£33.00 GBP

2024 Healing Retreat: (Part II) Stepping into the Portals of our Quantum Self in Relationships

In this new 6-part retreat series, we quantum jump right into it and step into new portals of one’s Quantum Self.

As we move exponentially into the new ascension energies and step fully into the new 5D Earth, we begin to align and embrace our crystalline, future Quantum Self.  As we activate this frequency within us, we remember that we are deliberate creators of our life. Through the embodiment of our new vibration and the realization that we are creators of our world, we smile as we begin to truly understand ANYTHING is possible!

Quantum jumping is a powerful technique that has always been available to us from times before times.  We are limitless multidimensional beings, which means that we have always been able to step into another portal to transport to us to our desires and wants. We have access to alternate universes where we can experience what we desire in different areas of our lives.  With this infinite potential and focus, we can be and do anything our heart desires. 

Join us for these altering quantum jumping retreats where you will transform your life in six different areas, which are Self-Love, Relationships, Physical Body, Money, Mission, and your Future Quantum Self & Higher Self.  Join us to step into a new portal in these areas to experience a new you!