£33.00 GBP

2022 Healing Retreat: (Part II) Vortex of Unity

This is a replay of Susan's February 2022 Intuitive Healing Retreats Part II.

In Part II of our monthly Intuitive Healing Retreat, you will be a part of a unique, powerful Vortex of Unity.

After being in the Vortex of Healing and releasing what you no longer need, it's time to jump into the Vortex of Love & Unity. In this vortex, you will embody the frequency of love and unity in order to carry it with you into the New Earth. Let's harness the sacred power of the mountains from all over the world, beginning with the sacred Mount Olympus. You are called to come together as brighter, united light for yourself and the collective. Unity is a powerful tool that can be harnessed during this crazy time in our world. Let's do this! Activations will be a part of this event!